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Nice Moves - A few slight problems with this page as you may be able to notice

The first three pictures demonstrate how to perform the Sign of the Gibbon, an integral part of Gibbonking worship. You should enact the Sign of the Gibbon before commencing a session of Gibbonking worship

The last four pictures show our alternative to traditional Darwinian evolution theory.

NB: Sadly, for the time being you will have to imagine Dave in the various positions described, until we sort this whole thing out. For anyone who doesn't know what Davidon looks like, he was the one on Countdown whose head shook mentally.
He can be seen in Nationwide Building Society, Guildford. However never in the evil Main Branch.

Step One- Eggs
Extend your right hand to a position just in front of your abdomen. Turn your palm upwards. Look at the palm. Invoke the sacred words, "EGGS".
Step Two- Hens
Whilst keeping your right hand in the "EGGS" position, extend your left hand to a position just left of the right hand. Turn the palm upwards. Look at the palm. Invoke the sacred words, "HENS".
Step Three- Gibbonking
Whilst keeping your left hand in the "HENS" position, fully extend your right arm. Turn the palm towards yourself. Look at the palm. Invoke the most sacred word of all, "GIBBONKING".

The Sign of the Gibbon is now complete.

NB: Left-handed Gibbonking worshippers should lead with their left hand. This ensures that the strongest hand is outstretched for the crucial "GIBBONKING" stage.
The Evolution - Alligator Snapping Turtle
The primordial being. This then evolved into the:
Which evolved into:
Rio Ferdinand
The most evolved of all creatures.
A Profile View of Rio Ferdinand